
Health & Safety Issues

I am initially filming by a main road - so it is important to keep a very close eye on film equipment, because it is expensive and must not be stolen Some of the ground filmed on is unstable - must be careful when running / walking up and down lane (tie up shoelaces etc) MAKE SURE CAMERA IS TIGHTLY SCREWED ON TRIPOD - otherwise it will fall off and break 

Shooting Schedule

SHOOT 1 - One day (May 2018) SHOOT 2 - Three quarters of a day (September 2018)

Mood Board for soundtrack

Epidemic Sound Psycho 4 Mysterious Grand Piano 3 Zone 5 - Niclas Gustavsson Mystery Minutes 4 - Gunnar Johnsen Stranded Alone - Teddy Bergstrom Top Sequence 17 - Christian Anderson

Activity 4. Evaluating/Researching the short film format

(defining short films elsewhere) How does my film conform to the model of short films as I understand it - it is open ended - we are unsure about what happens to Sally at the end of the film, or what April and Dylan do next - this short film has been made as a vocational tool - I have made it in school - the duration is between 4-5 minutes - it isn't complex enough to have a clear and developed three act structure

Activity 3. Researching/Evaluating Mise-en-scène and its relation to genre

MISE-EN-SCÈNE - All the things that are 'put in the scene': the setting, the decor, the lighting, the costumes, the performance etc. Narrative films often manipulate the elements of mise-en-scene, such as decor, costume, and acting to intensify or undermine the ostensible significance of a particular scene. Appearance of my leading characters (full description of what they were wearing on blog) April - On day 1 she wore a red top and dungarees. A slightly more interesting and aesthetically pleasing outfit than a plain T shirt and jeans - shows she is creative / alternative and reflects her personality of someone who loves to make films. Day 2 - grey T shirt and jeans, a slightly darker outfit, mirrors the one step closer to the darkness which awaits behind the gate. Also, day 2 of filming - just wearing what she would be comfortable in. Day 3 - a darker outfit, reflects the feeling of being trapped up the lane and closer to the gate. Day 4 - all black - mourning / fear / f...

Activity 1. Evaluating publishing your work

Examples of digital and physical presentations I have been involved in  I have presented the majority of my work digitally. A few of many examples are my analysis of the set short films, my costume and cast list, and my mood board for my soundtrack. I have physically presented my script, storyboard and shot list, however I also have digital copies of my script and shot list. My storyboard is hard to initially present digitally because it involved pencil drawings. Advantages of digital presentation and not physical presentation, is that work is easier to present if it is all on one digital resource, and if it is saved on a computer, it is hard to lose. Physical presentations and copies of my research for this film sometimes mean it is hard to edit and have a neat result.  Disadvantages of digital presentation and not physical presentation, is that when filming, you can't access the work, and if I have my physical presentation on me, I can edit it straight away. Overall, it h...

Soundtrack ideas and influences - THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT - my film has been greatly influenced by 'The Blair Witch Project', so its soundtrack is also a useful influence to help create the soundtrack for my film. This low and grave sound can be used to fill in any silences, creating an unsettling feeling. - SINISTER - this horror film surrounds the idea of  the main character watching family murders on video tapes. This soundtrack is the ominous sound of the video tapes in action. This is relevant for my film, because my film is about a family murder in a house. - IT - the creepy sound of young children singing and talking, a typical sinister sound used to make horror films scarier - and could be used for emphasis in my film.